Friday, October 16, 2009


People have a reaction to a clown. Clowns evoke happiness, sadness, fear, and anger. What is it about a person in an absurd disguise that causes the uproar? Let us look at the clown as a modern symbol of the imperfect chorus of the  human psyche. They can be innocent and speak to the less sophisticated emotional life of children. They can be tragic Sad Clowns that deserve compassion and pity.  They can be dark ironic figures that mock the norms of contemporary society. Clowns are even the subject of sexual fantasy for a less than savory segment of the populace.  Lastly, they can be sinister monsters that hunger for death and mayhem. I find myself at a happy  intersection on Crazy Lane and Neurotic Street. I find them beautiful and disturbing and often perfectly harmless.  Generally it's not the person under the makeup that I'm interested in. It's a LOOK people. Get into that look or not. I like it freaky so SEND IN THE CLOWNS.









Clowning Students 

Mexican Clown Conference Attendees

The Fraternity of Latin Clowns opened the 11th annual Clown Conference in Mexico

 Trubbles The Clown 2005



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